The increased number of natural disasters in the last decades owing to the increased vulnerability of human populations appears a major barrier in the considerable efforts towards sustainable development. Safety has been defined as a key parameter in order to achieve sustainable cities and thereupon a better quality of life. Yet, strong evidence suggests that where people have consciously acted to prevent the occurrence of these disasters by adopting well-defined preparedness plans and mitigation measures, they have succeeded in significantly reducing the potential adverse impacts and have managed to maintain the safety and stability of their habitats.
This thesis aims to offer further support to the aforementioned view by providing tangible proof where preparedness has resulted in protecting human lives, appreciably reducing both the direct and indirect losses incurred by earthquake disasters. Furthermore, it aims to promote the unarguable correlation between preparedness and development and to show that these processes are so closely linked that one becomes both the driving force and consequence of the other.
The analysis is performed by adopting the earthquake disaster of June 23rd 2001 in Atico, Peru. The reasons for choosing this particular event are attributed to the high seismicity of the region implying a long tradition and local cultural knowledge in the endeavours to survive such disasters, as well as the highly unstable political, economical and social conditions that dominate the country rendering safety and development, fundamental parameters for its existence and progress. Moreover, this event, the largest earthquake in the past 25 years, followed the huge catastrophe of the 1970 earthquake in Huaraz, Peru providing thus three decades during which a great deal of research and strategies regarding preparedness plans have developed. Consequently, the chosen earthquake was a valuable test on the existing capacities and a means of assessing the need and usefulness of earthquake preparedness.
The scope of the analysis considers pre-disaster preparedness, a major component of risk management and aims to investigate the vulnerability-reduction, institutional and financial capacities present in the affected region of south Peru prior to the event revealing, thus, how these have mitigated the potential impacts of the catastrophe. Additionally, the assessment of the available strategies and processes, aims in identifying possible inadequacies calling for improvement through revision and redesign to ensure greater functionality and effectiveness of preparedness measures. So far, the completed research suggests that preparedness plans seem to essential in surviving an earthquake. However, there is a substantial need for strengthening such plans in the context of sustainable development and there is an increased demand for better communication and information sharing, education and training dissemination, local community participation and networking combined with fmancial and political stability, through a valid legislation tackling issues such as property and asset ownership and paralegal employment. The capital and resources seem to be available. It is the efficient and appropriate tapping of the latter that will establish a prevention culture leading to the survival and avoidance of hazards turning into disasters in the new century.