Title | |
Adam Ryder |
Sustainable implementation of Canada’s national wastewater strategy |
Akinyemi A. G. |
Multi-criteria Analysis of Small Scale Treatment Systems for Sustainable Wastewater Management across Nigeria |
Alex Coulton |
A European Supergrid for the UK - a balanced interconnector mix |
Andrew N. Hennig |
Using Biochar in a Permeable Reactive Barrier for Contaminated Groundwater Remediation |
Anirudh Mukkavilli |
Land, energy, and water use in Australia |
Aurelien Vicenzutti |
Achieving economic transformation and CO2 control strategy |
Beatriz Fernandez |
Implementing Sustainability Strategies within Organisations |
Claudia Mac-lean |
Alternative Approaches to Project Evaluation |
Daniel Gallagher |
A Resilience Perspective on Climate Change Adaptation in Central America |
Geoff Stevens |
Opportunities for and Barriers to Industrial Ecology |
Geoffrey Morgan |
Unpeeling the Sustainability of Certified Bananas: The Vulnerability of Certification Schemes to Ineffectual Auditing and Climate Change |
Georgina Wong |
Towards sustainable water management in the UK |
Horacio Morales |
A sustainability analysis of Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer lending platforms |
Hugh Amos |
Australia's clean energy future: Achieving effective carbon pricing Supervised by Dr Douglas Crawford-Brown |
Iain Savill |
Future Dynamic Demand Side Management of Non- Domestic Buildings |
Jason Hardjosoekatmo |
Rural Electrification in Indonesia |
Jie Liang |
The pathway to sustainable infrastructure development in China |
Joda Olaekan Olatunde |
Multi-criteria evaluation of urban water supply alternatives and sustainable water management for new megacities in developing countries- A case for portable water in Lagos, Nigeria |
Jordi Dagá Kunze |
The Voluntary Renewable Energy Market System as a complementary tool to stimulate renewable energies in Chile |
Jorge Garcia Moreno Villarreal |
Renewable Electricity in Mexico: Scenarios for 2024 |
King-fan HO |
Incentive of green commercial building development in Hong Kong |
Leonie van Beek |
Sustainable urban settlements; past, present and future |
Lily Bai |
Assessment and management of social impact on hydropower projects by the World Bank in developing countries |
Mara-Tafadzwa Makoni |
The relationship between aid effectiveness and sustainable urban water supply and sanitation service delivery in rebuilding fragile states: Zimbabwe as a case study |
Melissa De Alejandro Montalvo |
The role of guided buses schemes in achieving a sustainable transportation system |
Micah Melnyk |
Scaling sustainable energy for all: Business models and private sector involvement in small scale, decentralized renewable electricity in developing countries |
Michael Maks Davis |
‘Rent your roof!’, a feasibility study to install solar PV arrays onto household roofs, sell the electricity to the grid and share the profit with the homeowner. |
Nicolas Westenenk Saint-Jean |
Delivering Zero Carbon Offices: A whole-life cost analysis of the options to derive the optimum solution for achieving ‘net zero carbon’ in office buildings |
Patrick Mohr |
Pathways to 2030: Sustainable Energy for Ireland |
Pedro Henrique Gorayeb Vitoriano |
The Scalability of UK-based Social Enterprises: case studies on organisations working in the field of community development |
Pedro Zaragoza Gasca |
Securing food supply trough efficiency in the supply chain |
Philip Williams |
Creating demand for Resilient Resource Recovery and Reuse in Developing Countries |
Rodrigo Sanchez M. |
Sustainable Water Management in the Atacama Desert: The Copiapo River Basin |
Sophie Atkinson |
Towards A Sustainable Transport Sector: A Case Study Of Melbourne, Australia |
Stephanie Andrea Hirmer |
Stakeholder participation to ensure sustainable development in developing countries: Making the deployment of pico-PV more sustainable along the value chain |
Verónica Rojas Urquiza |
Yuan Lin |
Research on Establishment of Chinese 2015 Carbon Trading Scheme |