Comparative Study of Waste Management Strategies in Cambridgeshire and Kumasi
Francis Kemausuor
Comparative Study of Waste Management Strategies in Cambridgeshire and Kumasi
Waste management in developing countries is not only plagued by the lack of adequate financing but also by ineffective planning and management structures. This study compares waste management strategies for Cambridgeshire in the UK, and Kumasi in Ghana. The factors considered in the comparison were the technologies employed, ways of financing, social behaviour towards waste management, public participation and awareness raising. Interviews were carried out with different stakeholders from the two locations and site visits were conducted to the Cambridgeshire waste treatment and disposal premises. The findings showed that Cambridgeshire was ahead in most of the factors except in social behaviour where Kumasi had a very good record in reuse. The impact of social behaviour is felt in the per capita waste generation where that of Cambridgeshire is over two times that of Kumasi. Cambridgeshire must take a positive look at adopting a good social attitude towards waste minimisation while Kumasi should take a look at improving public participation and awareness campaigns in order to increase composting rates. |