Background The project is derived from the researcher's previous experience of working in the civil engineering industry, exclusively as a consultant. As a younger member of staff undertaking training to achieve a professional qualification, the researcher was involved in the organisation and acquisition of professional knowledge for himself and others within three different consultancies. Participation in this Masters degree course presented an opportunity to examine in more detail what the current state of knowledge and attitudes- here termed awareness- towards sustainable development is within the population of civil engineering consultancy.
Activities The research was based on three questions, which have been expanded on in a semistructured way, asked during interviews with the staff of two dissimilar companies within the available population. These questions aim to examine the attitudes and knowledge of sustainable development as a conceptual entity, their views on the appropriateness and methods of implementation within an individual's personal and professional life, and how the industry and government could or should be responding. As a separate exercise, an overlapping sample of those involved in civil engineering, both from subject companies and others, completed an online questionnaire that addressed the same questions in a more structured and formal way. The results of the interviews have been analysed qualitatively, which has included the researcher's perceptions of the subjects' responses rather than simply quantifying the verbal responses to each question. The survey has been conducted online, advertised on the ICE website and at their conference, in addition to emailed direct to the researcher's contacts within the participating companies and other groups. Analysis on this is still underway, as the survey is not yet completed, but simple reviews have been possible using the available portion of the data.
Initial Findings Although the results of both research activities are still undergoing analysis, initial findings are as follows. The term sustainable development is well known within the industry, yet definitions are varied and the Brundtland one is not generally well known. The majority became aware of sustainable development in the 1990s and environment dominates this awareness. 28% of respondents have read the ICE policy document, yet 40% of respondents believe they are following best practice more than 50% of the time. These findings are likely to change as the sample population for the survey grows. Preliminary Conclusions The population is overwhelmingly in favour of sustainable development yet are having problems implementing it. What constitutes sustainable best practice is not clearly understood. There is a reliance on shifting responsibility for sustainable development to specialist staff, in preference to adapting behaviour.