Overall Context, basic concepts and scope of analysis
The Kyoto Protocol is one development that could have a significant impact on how countries, companies and individuals operate in an emerging carbon-constrained world. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI) are two international policy instruments developed under the Kyoto Protocol, that enable developed countries , that are parties to the Kyoto Protocol to implement climate change mitigation projects in (respectively) developing countries and developed countries, and to benefit from emerging global greenhouse gas (GHG) markets. The viability of such projects can be increased through the generation and subsequent marketing of carbon credits. Arranging financing for CDM/JI projects is one of the major challenges for successful participation in GHG markets. However, so far, private finance for carbon offset though CDM/JI has been scarce. The objective of the thesis is to ultimately understand the reasons behind the reluctance to invest in CDM/JI projects from the point of view of investors.
The financing requirements of CDM projects correspond to the positive difference between accumulated cash outflow and cash inflow, with the aim of financing GHG abatement. Among the wide variety of different project financing options available, the project focuses on external project finance, since: • Self-financing (or internal finance, as opposed to external finance) is generally not the most efficient route to finance a CDM/JI project, due to the fact that the cost of equity is normally higher than the cost of debt. • Project finance is probably the sole financing form where it makes a difference whether the project is a CDM/JI project or not. Indeed, only in project finance does the lender evaluate the project's financial viability on a stand-alone basis. And as introduced before, the future cash flow associated with the generation and sale of carbon credits might positively affect the creditworthiness of the project. Key determinants of private investment for climate change mitigation projects On the basis of literature review and stakeholders' interviews, the main reasons why private investors are reluctant to get involved in CDM/JI can be summarised as follows: • The international policy framework is moving too slowly to get CDM/JI projects beyond the point where they are considered as "complex and costly deals". • Financial instruments to deal with additional risks of CDM/JI projects are still under design, and need to get standardised before they are affordable. • Most CDM/JI projects are too small for their carbon additional cash flows to cover the current high transaction costs incurred. • The core concepts of baseline and additionality remain vaguely or even inconsistently defined/explained, further deterring the confidence of private investors towards CDM/JI, and threatening the very concept of project-based mechanisms. • The market structure is at its early steps, lacking of liquidity, which is the very essence of functioning and trusted markets. • In the post 9/11 investment climate, most actors have refined their philosophy to the basics: secure the returns. Yet CDM/JI are considered as extremely risky. • For irreversible, uncertain and information-poor investments such as CDM/JI, investors' behaviour "lies between the two extremes: the fully rational and the fully irrational" (Littleboy, 1990).