Title | |
Ahmed Abdulrahman |
Reducing GHG Emissions From Egypt’s Oil & Gas Industry By Flare Gas Recovery |
Andrew T. Hable |
Water Supply Alternatives for the City of Waukesha (Wisconsin, USA) |
Arthur Sebert |
Sustainable Energy Supply In China: The Role Of Indicators And Targets |
Ashish Mishra |
The Effectiveness of Sustainable Drainage Systems In Highly Urbanised Areas: Bangalore, India |
Christina Stamper |
Sustainability of Different Approaches to Bamboo Textile Production |
Da Chen |
Sustainable Development of Giant Oil Fields in China: |
Damian Tomic |
Embedding Environmental Awareness in Schools: Analysis of the impact of implementing environmental technology and environmental certification schemes |
Faheem Merchant |
Analyzing the sustainability of community driven development in Afghanistan using the National Solidarity Program case study |
Felipe Cox |
A Framework to Evaluate the Sustainability of a Company's Supply Chain, Developed from the Practices of the UK Retail Industry |
H Sharp |
Incorporating Disaster Risk Reduction into Development Projects in Bangladesh |
H. Alejandro Tardel Bustamante |
Sustainability Considerations for the Post Earthquake and Tsunami Response in Chilean Coastal Communities: The Case of the Licantén Municipality |
J Tan |
Scenario Planning for Urban Development in the United Arab Emirates |
J Tuccillo |
Distributed Renewable Generation of Electricity in Argentina: a technology roadmap |
J Ward-Waller |
Overcoming barriers to sustainable transport in U.S. cities – a case study of cycling in Philadelphia |
J Wicker |
Changing to Low Carbon Buildings: A critical analysis of the viability and effectiveness of European Directives in the building sector to cut greenhouse gas emissions |
Jimena Villegas |
Comparison Analysis of Green and Conventional Products |
JJ Meek |
Comparison of Sustainable Home Building Rating Systems: An intra and inter gap analysis |
Kristina Ostman |
Achieving Rural Electrification for Sustainable Development: An analysis of the Self-Help Electrification Program in Ghana |
LM Pearson |
Mechanisms and Policies to Encourage Water Efficiency among Scottish Water Customers |
Luca Di Mario |
Approaches for Adaptive Water Management in the Tiber River Basin |
Marcos Pelenur |
A study of energy management and its effect on well-being: can we thrive by using less energy? |
Meng-Tsung Shih |
Regional Impact of the Decommissioning of the Neihu and Muzha Incinerators in Taipei |
Muhammad Abbas |
Development of integrated carbon capture & storage technologies in the uk |
Natalia Reyna |
Opportunities and Constraints of Sustainable Water Management in Oaxaca City, Mexico |
Nick Huber |
Integrating renewables into the grid: An energy dispatch model |
NS Sharpe |
Development of a Novel Plan for Emptying Pit Latrines in Urban Slums |
Ralph Thompson |
Formalising Sustainable Practice: Increasing the scale of a rainwater harvesting project in Mexico City |
Sacha Grodzinski |
Assessing the sustainability of biogas use in East Africa |
Simon Munnik |
Organic Output of an MBT plant as a fuel for waste to energy |
Timothy S. Mbasuen |
Peak Oil and Climate Change: How Prepared is Nigeria? |
Warit Taechajinda |
An analysis of the short-term future of ethanol blended gasoline for Thailand's transport |
WHB Chong |
Trends in energy efficiency and CO2 emissions in China’s major cities: |
Ye Tao |
River Basin Water Resource Management in Taihu Lake Basin: an institutional assessment |