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MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development

global challenges, engineering solutions
Ahmed Abdulrahman

Reducing GHG Emissions From Egypt’s Oil & Gas Industry By Flare Gas Recovery

Andrew T. Hable

Water Supply Alternatives for the City of Waukesha (Wisconsin, USA)

Arthur Sebert

Sustainable Energy Supply In China: The Role Of Indicators And Targets

Ashish Mishra

The Effectiveness of Sustainable Drainage Systems In Highly Urbanised Areas: Bangalore, India

Christina Stamper

Sustainability of Different Approaches to Bamboo Textile Production

Da Chen

Sustainable Development of Giant Oil Fields in China:
The Assessment Framework and Case Studies

Damian Tomic

Embedding Environmental Awareness in Schools: Analysis of the impact of implementing environmental technology and environmental certification schemes

Faheem Merchant

Analyzing the sustainability of community driven development in Afghanistan using the National Solidarity Program case study

Felipe Cox

A Framework to Evaluate the Sustainability of a Company's Supply Chain, Developed from the Practices of the UK Retail Industry

H Sharp

Incorporating Disaster Risk Reduction into Development Projects in Bangladesh

H. Alejandro Tardel Bustamante

Sustainability Considerations for the Post Earthquake and Tsunami Response in Chilean Coastal Communities: The Case of the Licantén Municipality

J Tan

Scenario Planning for Urban Development in the United Arab Emirates

J Tuccillo

Distributed Renewable Generation of Electricity in Argentina: a technology roadmap

J Ward-Waller

Overcoming barriers to sustainable transport in U.S. cities – a case study of cycling in Philadelphia

J Wicker

Changing to Low Carbon Buildings: A critical analysis of the viability and effectiveness of European Directives in the building sector to cut greenhouse gas emissions

Jimena Villegas

Comparison Analysis of Green and Conventional Products

JJ Meek

Comparison of Sustainable Home Building Rating Systems: An intra and inter gap analysis

Kristina Ostman

Achieving Rural Electrification for Sustainable Development: An analysis of the Self-Help Electrification Program in Ghana

LM Pearson

Mechanisms and Policies to Encourage Water Efficiency among Scottish Water Customers

Luca Di Mario

Approaches for Adaptive Water Management in the Tiber River Basin

Marcos Pelenur

A study of energy management and its effect on well-being: can we thrive by using less energy?

Meng-Tsung Shih

Regional Impact of the Decommissioning of the Neihu and Muzha Incinerators in Taipei

Muhammad Abbas

Development of integrated carbon capture & storage technologies in the uk

Natalia Reyna

Opportunities and Constraints of Sustainable Water Management in Oaxaca City, Mexico

Nick Huber

Integrating renewables into the grid: An energy dispatch model

NS Sharpe

Development of a Novel Plan for Emptying Pit Latrines in Urban Slums

Ralph Thompson

Formalising Sustainable Practice: Increasing the scale of a rainwater harvesting project in Mexico City

Sacha Grodzinski

Assessing the sustainability of biogas use in East Africa

Simon Munnik

Organic Output of an MBT plant as a fuel for waste to energy

Timothy S. Mbasuen

Peak Oil and Climate Change: How Prepared is Nigeria?

Warit Taechajinda

An analysis of the short-term future of ethanol blended gasoline for Thailand's transport

WHB Chong

Trends in energy efficiency and CO2 emissions in China’s major cities:
An index decomposition analysis

Ye Tao

River Basin Water Resource Management in Taihu Lake Basin: an institutional assessment

Course Overview


The need to engage in better problem definition through careful dialogue with all stakeholder groups and a proper recognition of context.


An ability to work with specialists from other disciplines and professional groups acknowledging that technical innovation and business skills also must be understood, nurtured and combined as precursors to the successful implementation of sustainable solutions.


An understanding of mechanisms for managing change in organisations so future engineers are equipped to play a leadership role.


An awareness of a range of assessment frameworks, sustainability metrics and methodologies such as Life Cycle Analysis, Systems Dynamics, Multi-Criteria Decision making and Impact Assessment.