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MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development

global challenges, engineering solutions
Title Title
Adam Ryder Title

Sustainable implementation of Canada’s national wastewater strategy

Akinyemi A. G. Title

Multi-criteria Analysis of Small Scale Treatment Systems for Sustainable Wastewater Management across Nigeria

Alex Coulton Title

A European Supergrid for the UK - a balanced interconnector mix

Andrew N. Hennig Title

Using Biochar in a Permeable Reactive Barrier for Contaminated Groundwater Remediation

Anirudh Mukkavilli Title

Land, energy, and water use in Australia

Aurelien Vicenzutti Title

Achieving economic transformation and CO2 control strategy
in China: challenges and opportunities for alternative energies development

Beatriz Fernandez Title

Implementing Sustainability Strategies within Organisations
A case study of the London Olympics Legacy

Claudia Mac-lean Title

Alternative Approaches to Project Evaluation

Daniel Gallagher Title

A Resilience Perspective on Climate Change Adaptation in Central America

Geoff Stevens Title

Opportunities for and Barriers to Industrial Ecology
in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Geoffrey Morgan Title

Unpeeling the Sustainability of Certified Bananas: The Vulnerability of Certification Schemes to Ineffectual Auditing and Climate Change

Georgina Wong Title

Towards sustainable water management in the UK

Horacio Morales Title

A sustainability analysis of Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer lending platforms

Hugh Amos Title

Australia's clean energy future: Achieving effective carbon pricing Supervised by Dr Douglas Crawford-Brown

Iain Savill Title

Future Dynamic Demand Side Management of Non- Domestic Buildings

Jason Hardjosoekatmo Title

Rural Electrification in Indonesia

Jie Liang Title

The pathway to sustainable infrastructure development in China
-- A case study on Shanghai urban water development

Joda Olaekan Olatunde Title

Multi-criteria evaluation of urban water supply alternatives and sustainable water management for new megacities in developing countries- A case for portable water in Lagos, Nigeria

Jordi Dagá Kunze Title

The Voluntary Renewable Energy Market System as a complementary tool to stimulate renewable energies in Chile

Jorge Garcia Moreno Villarreal Title

Renewable Electricity in Mexico: Scenarios for 2024
Evaluate Mexico’s electricity generation mix and propose a potential transition into a more sustainable electricity mix.

King-fan HO Title

Incentive of green commercial building development in Hong Kong

Leonie van Beek Title

Sustainable urban settlements; past, present and future

Lily Bai Title

Assessment and management of social impact on hydropower projects by the World Bank in developing countries

Mara-Tafadzwa Makoni Title

The relationship between aid effectiveness and sustainable urban water supply and sanitation service delivery in rebuilding fragile states: Zimbabwe as a case study

Melissa De Alejandro Montalvo Title

The role of guided buses schemes in achieving a sustainable transportation system

Micah Melnyk Title

Scaling sustainable energy for all: Business models and private sector involvement in small scale, decentralized renewable electricity in developing countries

Michael Maks Davis Title

‘Rent your roof!’, a feasibility study to install solar PV arrays onto household roofs, sell the electricity to the grid and share the profit with the homeowner.

Nicolas Westenenk Saint-Jean Title

Delivering Zero Carbon Offices: A whole-life cost analysis of the options to derive the optimum solution for achieving ‘net zero carbon’ in office buildings

Patrick Mohr Title

Pathways to 2030: Sustainable Energy for Ireland

Pedro Henrique Gorayeb Vitoriano Title

The Scalability of UK-based Social Enterprises: case studies on organisations working in the field of community development

Pedro Zaragoza Gasca Title

Securing food supply trough efficiency in the supply chain

Philip Williams Title

Creating demand for Resilient Resource Recovery and Reuse in Developing Countries

Rodrigo Sanchez M. Title

Sustainable Water Management in the Atacama Desert: The Copiapo River Basin

Sophie Atkinson Title

Towards A Sustainable Transport Sector: A Case Study Of Melbourne, Australia

Stephanie Andrea Hirmer Title

Stakeholder participation to ensure sustainable development in developing countries: Making the deployment of pico-PV more sustainable along the value chain

Verónica Rojas Urquiza Title


Yuan Lin Title

Research on Establishment of Chinese 2015 Carbon Trading Scheme

Course Overview


The need to engage in better problem definition through careful dialogue with all stakeholder groups and a proper recognition of context.


An ability to work with specialists from other disciplines and professional groups acknowledging that technical innovation and business skills also must be understood, nurtured and combined as precursors to the successful implementation of sustainable solutions.


An understanding of mechanisms for managing change in organisations so future engineers are equipped to play a leadership role.


An awareness of a range of assessment frameworks, sustainability metrics and methodologies such as Life Cycle Analysis, Systems Dynamics, Multi-Criteria Decision making and Impact Assessment.