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MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development

global challenges, engineering solutions
(Jose) Emiliano Detta Silvera

Membrane Bioreactors (MBRS) as a Sustainable Solution for Wastewater Treatment in Mega Cities

Anastasia Kazakova (now Archer)

Development of a Certification Scheme for the Aluminium Industry

Andrew Skelton

Impact Analysis of Post-Kyoto Protocol Climate Policy on Developing Countries

Aris Karcanias

Evaluation of Vanadium Liquid Battery for Renewable Energy Systems

Athanasia (Thania) Christodoulou

Sustainability Assessment of the Implementation of the WEEE Directive in the UK

Bodhi Rader

Vehicle-to-Grid Technology in the UK: Combining Transport and Electricity Models

Bradley Hiller

Sustainability Challenges of Increasing Global Energy Demands “ A Case Study of Kenya"s Geothermal Program

Brendan Baker

Shades of Green: The State of Environmentalism in Product Design

Catherine Martin

Sustainable Design in an Urban Infill Development: A Case Study of the Studio at Cambridge Department of Architecture

Chizoba Nwobodo

Redefining CEEQUAL for a Nigerian Context Within Nigerian Conditions

Colleen Duncan

The Roles of "For-Profit" and "Not-For-Profit" Organizations: A Study of Irrigation in Nepal

Corinna Kester

Evaluating stakeholder engagement in corporate social responsibility programs

Farouk Abdul Khalid

Energy Sustainability for Development in New Economic Region: Case Study of Malaysia

Galvin Clancey

Assessing the Sustainability of Spent Mushroom Compost Disposal Options

Georges Abou Adal

Analysing the Challenges of an Eco-City in the UAE: The Limitations of Technology and the Impact of Behaviour

James Dodds

Waste Management at the Sole Bay Brewery

Jane Reddick

A Critical Analysis of Corporate Sustainability Reporting of Joint Ventures

Jason Porter

Options for Using Biomass for Electricity Generation in England

John Collins

Sustainable Transport for New Communities: Dunsfold Park Case Study

Kanchan Sharma

Eco Towns as Drivers for low carbon future: Dunsfold Park

Katherine Grant

Sustainable Investment Choices for the South African Electricity Sector

Kelsey Edwardsen

Cultural Anthropology in Development Engineering

Luka Vukotic

An Assessment of Building Structural Elements Lifecycle Embodied Energy and CO2 Emissions

Marilyn Waite

Sustainable textiles: the role of bamboo and a comparison of bamboo textile properties

Mark Frey

Transportation Justice in London and New York City

Marla Fuchs

Steel Stewardship: A Responsible and Sustainable Framework

Montine Swikert

Re-evaluating the Biodiesel Production Process: A Cradle-to-Cradle Approach

Nicholas Owen

An Investigation into the Potential for Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Electricity Generation in the UK

Paul Astle

The Barriers to a Greater Use of Reclaimed Steel in the UK Construction Industry

Pravin Karki

Application of the International Hydropower Association’s Sustainability Assessment Protocol: Case Studies of Blanda Hydropower Plant (Iceland) and Upper Seti Hydropower Project (Nepal)

Priti Nigam

An Analysis of Sustainability in Major International Sports Events: Case Study on the London Olympics

Scott Kelly

Economic Viability of Combined Heat and Power District Heating Networks in the United Kingdom:a comparative approach

Sinomnqa (Nomi) Bodlani

Rural Road Infrastructure and Poverty Alleviation - Policy Implications for South Africa

Suzana De Souza Brandao

Water Efficiency for Sustainable Homes

Tara Shirvani

Implementation of Kyoto Protocol in the Iranian oil industry

Tom Berman

A Novel Bio-Ethanol Process - Appropriate For Mauritius?

Umashankar Sreenivasamurthy

GHG Emission Regulations for the Indian Iron and Steel Sector

Vasiliki Kokkalidou

Environmental Impact Analysis of Different Design Options for Highway Road Widening

William Brower

Implications of China's Growing Aid to Africa for USAID Conservation Programmes: Opportunities for Synergy

Willie Ganda

Regulation for Sustainability: The Impact of the European Union End-of-Life Vehicles Directive on the automobiule value chain

Yu-Foong Chong

Assessing the Impact of UK Clock-Change Policy upon Energy Usage and Carbon Emissions

Course Overview


The need to engage in better problem definition through careful dialogue with all stakeholder groups and a proper recognition of context.


An ability to work with specialists from other disciplines and professional groups acknowledging that technical innovation and business skills also must be understood, nurtured and combined as precursors to the successful implementation of sustainable solutions.


An understanding of mechanisms for managing change in organisations so future engineers are equipped to play a leadership role.


An awareness of a range of assessment frameworks, sustainability metrics and methodologies such as Life Cycle Analysis, Systems Dynamics, Multi-Criteria Decision making and Impact Assessment.